71% of dental injuries occur in people under the age of 25
71% of dental injuries occur in people under the age of 25
Stay protected with custom-fitted mouthguards
Injuries like these can lead to long and potentially expensive treatment to restore teeth and the mouth back to normal function and appearance.
- The Australian Dental Association (ADA) recommends that only a professionally custom-fitted mouthguard should be worn.
- Check your mouthguard every 12 months for optimal fit and protection.
- Keep your mouthguard clean and store it in a rigid container, away from heat to ensure it maintains its shape.
Teeth Whitening
Custom-fitted mouthguards
Check at the start of each season
Check at the start of each season
Why Adelaide Dental Solutions?
Always The Right Fit
Long-lasting Materials
A Comfortable Experience
Dental Patient Satisfaction Survey
We would like to know how you feel about the services we provide so we can make sure we are meeting your needs.
Your response are directly responsible for improving the quality of care given.
All responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
Frequently Asked Questions
How important is a mouthguard for playing sport?
How do mouthguards protect my teeth?
What types of mouthguards are available?
You can get generic boil and bite mouthguard from the chemist or custom fitted mouthguards from the dentist. We recommend custom-fitted mouthguards as other mouthguards can dislodge and not be effective.
How often should I get my custom-fitted mouthguard checked?
Children should have their mouthguard replaced by a dentist at least every 12 months, given their mouth and teeth are growing. Adult mouthguards should also be replaced every 12 months.